Love, Joy, Peace...

What We Believe
  • We believe in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Bible, which is the inerrant, authoritative Word of God. We believe in the sufficiency of Scripture and look to it as the final authority in the life of the church and individual believer. We believe the King James Bible is God's Word for English speaking people.
  • We believe in the Trinity. There is only one true God, externally existing in three uncreated Persons. There is complete unity and harmony within the godhead. We believe in the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the creation of the universe by the direct act of God, from nothing, in six literal days. We believe that man was created in the image of God and was made perfect, yet mutable, and that man fell from his original state through willful disobedience.
  • We believe in the deity, virgin birth, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, based on Christ’s atoning work on the cross alone, for the glory of God alone. We beseech everyone to repent and believe the gospel.
  • We believe that one who is born again will be kept saved forever.
  • We believe that every believer should separate himself from the things of the world.
  • We believe in the personal existence of angels.
  • We believe in the local church, an assembly of immersed believers, as God’s ordained institution for the perpetuation of the Truth and the advancement of His work in this age. The church is to evangelize the lost, equip and edify the saints, and to do all that it does for the glory of God by giving Christ the preeminence in all things.
  • We believe that every believer is holy by position, but that he must depend on the Holy Spirit for growth in Christlikeness. Believers are to abstain from all appearance of evil, make no provision for the flesh, and grow increasingly in love to God and man as well as progress in personal holiness.
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of all believers who have died in Christ as well as the rapture of those that are alive and remain who will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air.
  • We believe every person will exist eternally in everlasting joy (Heaven) or everlasting misery (Hell) and that the only difference between the two is whether or not a sinner is united to Christ by saving faith.